Sunday, January 31, 2010

Getting caught up!

I have been putting off updating too long! I have a lot of pictures to post so I will keep this brief!

We had an awesome Christmas! We had a lot of fun hanging out at the house and playing with all the new toys Santa brought! Lets not forget the snow! The girls had so much fun playing in the snow on Christmas morning. They were so chilly when they came in, but I had a nice warm breakfast waiting for them. We even had Chocolate Gravy!! What could be better?!? It was a wonderful day!

Mommy was excited their pajamas fit from last year!!

Madi was excited to get the "Handy Manny Tool Set" from Maisy

Maisy and Daddy making the traditional pizza for lunch!

Madi did not want to help, she just wanted to play with her tools!

Making snow angels!

Madi was ankle deep in snow!

The day after Christmas was Madi's birthday!!! She turned 3 years old! Can you believe it??? How cute is our little princess?!?!

Madi also started Ice skating! Our sweet friend Janelle gave her a quick lesson and Madi was off and going!

Maisy looks like she is coaching her! lol!

What a pro!

Maisy working hard for her competition!

Telling secrets!

Madi even got her own skates!

Maisy competed in the 2010 Winter State Games of Texas! She took 2nd place in her group and qualified for the 2011 State Games of America in San Diego! We are so proud of her hard work!

I thought I would also throw in some pictures of Madi playing with the cockatiels...she had so much fun!

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